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What is the difference in the level of membership?

Members have the following rights, restrictions and privileges:

Senior members 18-65 years and make up most of the membership and are entitled to full privileges of the Association.

Senior members will be included in Branch returns for voting purposes.

Junior members must be under 18 as at the beginning of the financial year. Junior members will not be included in Branch returns for voting purposes.

Student members are those members over 18 who remain within the education system, including apprentices, and carry a current Student ID card valid for the whole of the academic year pertaining to the commencement of the Association's financial year. On request, a Student member will supply evidence to support their status as a student or apprentice. Student members will be included in Branch returns for voting purposes.

Superannuant members shall be those members who are eligible to receive National Superannuation at the commencement of the Association's financial year. On request, a Superannuant member will supply evidence to support their status as a superannuant. Superannuant members will be included in Branch returns for voting purposes.

Affiliate members are persons who are already full members of a Branch under another class of membership and who apply to be an ‘affiliate’ of an additional Branch or Branches according to the rules of that Branch, which will then grant the affiliate full privileges as if they were a full member of that Branch. Affiliate members are included in the Branch return of their primary Branch only (and not their affiliated Branch(es)) for voting purposes.

Family members are the partner, child or grandchild, child or grandchild of the partner, or sibling, of another class of member (the full member):

(i) Children, siblings and grandchildren must be younger than 18 at the commencement of the financial year for the relevant Branch.

(ii) Family members may participate in ‘National Competitions’ and activities.

(iii) Family members do not receive printed copies of “NZ Hunting & Wildlife” or other National publications or circulars.

(iv) Family members are not subject to paying National levies.

(v) Family members are not included in Branch returns for voting purposes, but are returned as Family members.

(vi) Family members have no voting rights and may not become an officer of a Branch or the Association.

(vii) Applications for Family membership must be submitted by the relevant full member and made on the standard NZDA membership application form.

(viii) Family members may transfer to full membership on payment of the balance of the full membership fee.

(ix) Should the full member who proposed the Family member cease to be a financial member then the family membership automatically terminates. In the event of the death of the full member, Branches at their discretion may allow Family membership to continue.

Associate Members will not receive copies of “NZ Hunting & Wildlife”, may not participate in National Competitions and activities, and are not entitled to vote or receive the benefit of insurance cover. Associate Members shall receive such privileges as their Branch may wish to grant them according to their own rules but shall not hold office in the Branch, or be elected in office at National Executive.

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